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Speaking Dutch Like a Native: A Quick Guide to Colloquial Dutch

NT2-Bibliotheek deel 1

Speaking Dutch Like a Native

"Het soort boek dat ik als leraar Nederlands voor buitenlanders al jaren zocht... Leuk om te lezen, super als naslagwerk." -- review op bol.com

"Wat fijn dat er een boek is als dit... Een aanrader voor NT2-docenten en een ieder die zich wil verdiepen in de Nederlandse taal en zijn bijzonderheden." --review op bol.com

"Het boek van Pronk biedt hedendaags heet-van-de-naald spreektalig Nederlands aan waar de anderstalige steevast over struikelt, maar dat jammer genoeg te vaak ontbreekt in reguliere taalcursussen. Dat taalgebruik typeert de echte moedertaalspreker, maar is vaak ontoegankelijk voor de tweedetaalgebruiker." -- Em.prof.dr. Ludo Beheydt in Neerlandia

Please click here to order your paperback copy.

Learn how to pepper your Dutch with colloquial words and expressions and start speaking Dutch like a native. Plunge into the world of interjections (huppakee, doeidoei, prima), short, but significant words (Kom nou toch eens even!) and everyday phrases that defy all the grammar rules you learnt in Dutch class (Piet z'n fiets).

Speaking Dutch requires more than just mastering the formal language skills taught in coursebooks. You also need proficiency in informal Dutch, which is packed with colloquialisms, interjections and slang.

Do you sometimes feel bewildered by the strings of words that don't seem to mean anything, like: maar eens even and nou toch? Are you confused by farewells like dag, doeg, and doei; and is ja dag a farewell, too? Who, or what, is puntje puntje puntje? What is the difference between jawel and welja, and what does welnee mean?

This reference guide discusses over a hundred words frequently used in real, everyday speech. This book will be of interest to intermediate and advanced learners of Dutch (B1 and higher) as well to native speakers with an interest in language and language learning.

Discover Dutch slang and hard-to-make-out expressions, expressions of annoyance, reassurance or warmth, as well as grammar-defying idiomatic phrases. And learn how to speak Dutch like a native.

116 pages; black-and-white illustrations
ISBN 978-90-820899-2-9
16.99 EUR including postage in the Netherlands
An excerpt of the book can be found here.
Please click here to order your paperback copy (NL).
Please click here to order your paperback copy from Amazon.

The e-book is available from Amazon (EUR 7.99)

Free worksheets can be downloaded here.